Medical Clinic Hospital WordPress Theme for Appointment calendar booking & scheduling – MedService
  • Theme NameMedservice
  • Version1.5.0
  • AuthorJthemes
  • Last update6 months ago



237 sales

Medical Clinic Hospital WordPress Theme for Appointment calendar booking & scheduling – MedService

Online Documentation

Medical Clinic Hospital WordPress Theme for Appointment calendar booking & scheduling - MedService - 1

How MedService can help you?

Whether you are a doctor, a physiotherapist, director of a hospital, a medicine shop owner, have a pathology lab, or any other specialized product or service related to the health care sector. Then you must need an attractive and easy to understand website to get maximum customers. If your website is understandable by common man then they will communicate with you easily. As a result of which the number of customers can be significant. At our platform, you will find special templates which are designed only for the services of the health sector.

  • 12 Layout Styles
  • 21 Additional Inner Pages
  • 70 Ready to use sections
  • One click demo installs: You will get the option of one click demo which means you are liable to watch or install demo just by a click. This feature of the theme will help you in lots of ways.
  • Drag and Drop Page Builder worth $33 for free: The option is quite expensive which just comes for free. As, drag and drop page builder will help you to reset the images or any page by just dragging.
  • Fully Responsive Layout (PC, Tablet and Mobile phone)
  • Appointment Booking for WordPress worth $49 for free: Booked is a powerful and easy-to-use appointment booking plugin for WordPress.
  • Fully Responsive Layout (PC, Tablet and Mobile phone)
  • Powerful Theme Options: Why you use theme? Ofcourse for the powerful options. And, Medservices has best theme options.
  • Left/right sidebar, full width page & blog layout: You can enjoy the features of sidebar; left and right. Apart from that, full width page and blog layout is also there.
  • Amazing TimeTable
  • Creative Mega Menu
  • Woocommerce ready: The combination of WordPress and Woocommerce can product something eye catching and this theme has Woocommerce ready feature.
  • Retina Ready
  • Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4.3.1 This theme also has the feature of bootstrap 4.1.2 which is based on the Twitter.
  • Unlimited color schema: You have lots of option in color. Yes, shades of entire color family is given by the company so that you can pick your own favorite one.
  • 12 Columns Grid System
  • HTML5/CSS3 W3C valid
  • Clean and Ultra Modern Design
  • SEO Optimized for Search Engine
  • Google Analytics Ready
  • Medical Icons
  • Working PHP Forms
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Optimized for Speed
  • Easy to Customize
  • Advance Typography
  • Modern Responsive Mobile Navigation
  • Flaticon 150+ Vector Icons
  • Font Awesome Retina Ready 675+ Vector Icons v5.7.2
  • Working PHP Contact Form and Appointment Forms
  • Contact and Appointment Forms Validation
  • Working MailChimp Subscribe Form
  • MailChimp Form Validation
  • Over 600 Google web fonts you can use
  • and much more Ö

Change log

1.3.9 - 22nd August 2023: 
1. Fixed image carousel issue
2. Updated WooCommerce outdated templates
3. Updated CSS files 

1.3.8 - 6th March 2023
1. Fixed console errors
2. Updated WooCommerce outdated templates 

1.3.7 - 31st January 2023
1. Fixed php errors
2. Updated WooCommerce outdated templates 
3. Updated WooCommerce login form
4. Updated WooCommerce account form
5. Updated CSS files

1.3.6 - 13th November 2022
1. Updated WooCommerce backdated templates
2. Tested upto WordPress version 6.1 
3. Fixed image dropdown problem

1.3.5 - 31th OCtober, 2022
1. Added Custom sidebar setting
2. Added Department archive order, orderby setting
3. Added single department doctors template setting
4. Added Service archive order, orderby setting
5. Added single service doctors template setting
6. Added doctors archive page setting
7. Added single post next previous post link
8. Fixed navbar logo adjustment settings
9. Updated CSS

1.3.4 - 25th October, 2022
1. Added Department layout setting
2. Added Department sidebar selection setting
3. Added Department archive page column setting
4. Added Department posts per page setting
5. Added Department featured image setting
6. Added Service layout setting
7. Added Service sidebar selection setting
8. Added Service archive page column setting
9. Added Service posts per page setting
10. Added Service featured image setting
11. Added Doctors list under service
12. Updated CSS

1.3.3 - 5th September 2022
1. Updated CSS
2. Added Appointment button in mobile menu
3. Fixed hero section background image
4. Fixed RTL
5. Updated demo data

1.3.2 - 25th August, 2022
1. Added Doctors with Department
2. Updated Banner title color
3. Updated Icon list in departments post type
4. Updated Dynamic style
5. Added Bootstrap 5 
6. Added SCSS
7. Updated CSS files
8. Updated Demo Content

1.3.1 - 27th July, 2022
1. Fixed newsletter form issues
2. Fixed newsletter widget form issues
3. Fixed cart count button issues
4. Fixed Woocommerce table border issues
5. Fixed footer tect color issues
6. Updated theme required plugin
7. Updated CSS files
8. Updated JS files
9. Tested upto WordPress 6.0.1

1.3.0 - 20th June, 2022
1. Fixed page meta error issues
2. Fixed CSS issues
3. Theme required plugins updated
4. CSS fixed
5. Javascripts updated - 9th May, 2022
1. Info 6 & 7 section bugs fixed
2. Dynamic style updated
3. Theme required plugins updated
4. CSS fixed
5. Javascript updated

1.2.9 - 30th January, 2022
1. Theme requird plugin updated
2. Admin CSS updated
3. Stikey navbar option issues fixed
4. Email subscriber issues fixed
5. Pagination text changing issues fixed
6. Products page design improved
7. Team hiring option issues fixed
8. Contact-form desing improved
9. Woocommerce template updated
10. Banner align, tag & size options added
11. Demo-data updated
12. Footer import issues fixed
13. Bootstrap-5 supported
14. CSS fixed
15. JS fixed - 21st January, 2022
1. WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated
2. Booked plugin updated

1.2.8 - 16th November, 2021
1. PHP 8.0 fixed
2. CSS fixed

1.2.7 - 24th September, 2021
1. Navbar search icon issues fixed
2. Woocommerce template files updated
3. CSS fixed

1.2.6 - 26th August, 2021
1. Top bar issues fixed
2. Menu link typography issues fixed
3. Documentation updated
4. CSS fixed

1.2.5 - 27th July, 2021
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. WP 5.8 compatible issues fixed
3. CSS fixed
4. JS fixed

1.2.4 - 15th June, 2021
1. Backend loading time optimized
2. VC editor issues fixed
3. CSS fixed

1.2.3 - 12th May, 2021
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. Convertplug plugins updated
3. CSS fixed

1.2.2 - 25th February, 2021
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. JS Composer plugins updated
3. CSS fixed

1.2.1 - 16th January, 2021
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. CSS fixed

1.2.0 - 01st January, 2021
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. Convertplug plugins updated
3. JS Composer plugins updated.
4. CSS fixed

1.1.9 - 02 December, 2020
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. Convertplug plugins updated
3. JS Composer plugins updated.
4. CSS fixed

1.1.8 - 10th October, 2020
1. Mobile header issues fixed
2. Comment avatar issues fixed
3. VC frontent editor issues fixed
4. CSS fixed

1.1.7 - 2nd October, 2020
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. CSS fixed

1.1.6 - 21th September, 2020
1. Demo import issues fixed
2. PHP bugs fixed
3. Theme required plugins updated
4. White logo issues fixed
5. CSS fixed

1.1.5 - 4th September, 2020
1. Headers & Footers scripts added in settings
2. Preloader background options added
3. Theme required plugins updated
4. CSS fixed

1.1.4 - 21th August, 2020
1. WPBakery Page Builder update
2. JS console issues fixed
3. CSS fixed

1.1.3 - 13th August, 2020
1. WP 5.5 compatibility issues fixed
2. CSS fixed

1.1.2 - 11th August, 2020
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. Typography options updated
3. Demo import issues fixed

1.1.0 - 26th July, 2020
1. Theme required plugins updated
2. Footer social link issues fixed
3. CSS fixed

1.0.9 - 23th July, 2020
1. Social link widget issues fixed
2. CSS Fixed

1.0.8 - 9th June, 2020
1. child theme updated

1.0.7 - 7th June, 2020
1. Product category issues fixed
2. Theme required plugins updated
3. Theme Options Typography updated
4. CSS fixed

1.0.6 - 28th April, 2020
1. Newsletter options issues fixed
2. Call to action options fixed
3. Quick contact form issues fixed
4. CSS fixed
1.0.5 - 22th April, 2020
1. Theme required plugin updated
2. CSS fixed
1.0.4 - 25th March, 2020
1. Woocommerce template files updated
2. Theme required plugin updated
3. Nav background issues fixed
4. CSS fixed
1.0.3 - 24th February, 2020
1. Woocommerce template files updated
2. Theme required plugin updated
3. JS fixed
4. CSS fixed
1.0.2 - 13th January, 2020
1. JS Composer plugin updated.
2. Back to top on-off options added
3. JS file updated
4. CSS fixed
1.0.1 - 25th November, 2019
1. Newsletter bug fixed
2. CSS fixed
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