Politixy HTML template

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Introducing our Politics HTML Templates - the ultimate solution for politicians, political parties, advocacy groups, and anyone passionate about driving social change. With a focus on both aesthetics and functionality, our templates offer a sophisticated platform to showcase your political vision, engage with supporters, and mobilize communities towards your cause. Whether you're running for office, organizing grassroots campaigns, or advocating for policy reform, our HTML templates provide the perfect canvas to craft a compelling online presence. Packed with customizable features, responsive design, and seamless integration with social media platforms, our Politics HTML Templates empower you to effectively communicate your message and inspire action in the digital sphere.


  1. Responsive Design : The template is fully responsive, ensuring your website looks great on all devices and screen sizes.
  2. Modern and Stylish Layout : The template features a contemporary design with a focus on aesthetics and user experience.
  3. Customizable Color Scheme : Easily change the color scheme to match your brand or personal preference.

    Customized Primary or Secondary Color

  4. Flexible Grid System : The template is built on a flexible grid system, allowing you to create unique and dynamic layouts.
  5. Smooth Animations : Add subtle animations and transitions to enhance the user experience and make your website more engaging.
  6. Clean and Well-Structured Code : The template is developed using clean HTML5 and CSS3 code, making it easy to customize and maintain.
  7. Integrated Contact Form : A ready-to-use contact form is included, allowing visitors to get in touch with you easily.
  8. Countdown Timer : A countdown timer to build excitement for the event and remind visitors of the date.

Key Features:-

  1. Bootstrap v-5.3
  2. jQuery-3.7.0
  3. Leaflet-Maps
  4. Swiper
  5. Multi Header Design with Sticky Headers
  6. Multi Footer Design and different color combination
  7. Multi style hero Design
  8. W3C Code Validation
  9. Well Organized SCSS Structure
  10. SEO Optimized
  11. Easy to Customized
  12. Elite Support

Item Descriptions

  1. Header Section :
    • Logo: A space for the event logo or branding.

      Customized or Change Header-Logo

    • Navigation Menu: Links to different sections of the website (e.g., Home, Events, News, Contact)
  2. Here modify to video link:
    • img
  3. Animation:
    • If you ignore Animation then remove those class wow fadeInUP or fadeInDown and also remove data-wow-delay that attr

  4. Swiper:
    • Swiper option in html

  5. Gallery Section:

    Gallery with Isotope

  6. Contact Information:
    • Contact Form: A way for visitors to get in touch with event organizers.
    • Social Media Links: Links to social media profiles for the event.
  7. Footer Section :
    • Logo: A space for the event logo or branding.

      Customized or Change Footer-Logo

    • Copyright Information: The copyright notice for the website and dynamic set year.

      Customise Copyright Information

    • Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: Links to legal documents.
  8. Other Features:
    • Countdown Timer: A visual timer counting down to the event start.
    • Istope: using the work feature.
    • Interactive Maps: Maps to help attendees find the venue.

If you can't run the SCSS then you can over-right the css on style.css file

  • For example:

Email Template

    • You can replace your own email address
    • img
    • Showing here email template
    • img
Creating a well-documented and feature-rich HTML template for marketing can help business Organized and web developers quickly set up appealing business websites that effectively promote the business and provide essential information to attendees.

If you have any further questions don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

Thanks for choose our Politixy HTML template.

Developed by ThemePerch.